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The most beautiful buildings in the city center of Kaposvár - downtown walk in Kaposvár


The most beautiful buildings in the city center of Kaposvár - downtown walk in Kaposvár

Our guests often ask what is worth seeing in the downtown area of ​​Kaposvár. In the city center of Kaposvár, there are wonderful buildings that are sometimes not even noticed by the locals. In our article below, we show you a small recommendation of the most beautiful buildings in downtown Kaposvár.
beautiful buildings in the city center of Kaposvár

Special buildings in downtown Kaposvár

Kaposvár is the center of Somogy county, the outstanding city of the area, both in size and in its cultural role. Kaposvár has a lot of attractions for those interested, beautiful buildings, spectacular spaces, but also natural treasures. The Deseda lake, located next to Kaposvár, is their place and is also a favorite among visitors. The surrounding area is well-developed, and we recommend exploring it for families as well. But back to downtown Kaposvár and the special buildings of downtown Kaposvár! The downtown of Kaposvár is not only wonderful in our opinion, it has already received several international awards. It received the special prize for the most beautiful main square of the Entente Florale Europe (European Flower Cities and Villages) competition in 2017, after winning the title of Most Flowering Hungarian City in 2016. During the competitions, the wonderful harmony of flowers and buildings was highlighted. Who wouldn't want to take a long walk in such a beautiful place?

Downtown walk in Kaposvár following the most unique buildings

The multiple award-winning Kossuth square should not be missed during a walk in Kaposvár, as it is considered one of the most beautiful main squares in our country. It was renovated in 2003, before that it was very beautiful, but after that it became really wonderful, it is no coincidence that in addition to the flowery titles, it also won the award for the most beautiful main square and main street in Hungary in 2010. it is worth starting from here to explore the most unique downtown buildings of Kaposvár, as everything is easily accessible from here. In practice, you can get to know the whole spirit of Kaposvár by walking a few streets. A real Art Nouveau treasure chest that welcomes us here, in the city center. The pedestrian street is lined with wonderful turn-of-the-century buildings one after the other. Those who want a special cultural experience can also find museums, galleries, and private collections here.

These are the most unique buildings in downtown Kaposvár

Below, we present the special buildings in downtown Kaposvár, which should not be missed during your walk:
  • Kaposvár City Hall (Kaposvári Városháza): The Kaposvár City Hall is one of the most impressive buildings in the city. It was built in 1902 in the Neo-Renaissance style and is located on Kossuth Square. The building's ornate facade and towers are part of the city's characteristic skyline. A real postcard sight!
  • Cathedral of Our Lady (Nagyboldogasszony-székesegyház): Kossuth Square is also adorned by this beautiful building. It is one of the largest churches in our country. The original church was built in the 18th century and then remodeled several times. The current building is neo-Gothic in style and has an impressive interior.
  • Zsolnay Fountain (Zsolnay-kút): Although it is not a building, if you are already in the main square of the city, do not miss this cult attraction! The Zsolnay fountain is located on Fő tér and was made in the famous Zsolnay porcelain factory. The well's ornate design and colorful majolica give the space a special atmosphere.
  • Kaposvár Courthouse (Kaposvári Törvényszék): according to many, it is one of the most beautiful buildings in Kaposvár, which was originally built as a Palace of Justice in 1905 based on the plans of Emil Károlyi, Ákos Marton and Márkus Riemer, led by architect Ignác Ritter.
  • Kemény Palace (Kemény-Palota): this wonderful building was named after the Kemény family. It once operated as an apartment building, and its facade is magnificent.
  • Ádám–Éva House (Ádám–Éva ház): A wonderful Art Nouveau building, which got its name from the wonderful relief depicting Adam and Eve. The work of Imre Borovitz and Imre Csikász is praised.
  • Somogy County Savings Bank (Somogy Megyei Takarékpénztár): Kaposvár's largest apartment building, which was built in 1913 and is still magnificent today. They are only referred to as Anker-ház after the former tenant of their premises.
  • Csiky Gergely Theatre (Csiky Gergely Színház): The Csiky Gergely Theater is one of the city's most important cultural institutions. The building was completed in 1911 in an eclectic style, and its richly decorated facade attracts the attention of visitors. The building was recently renovated, so today it shines again in its old glory.
  • Rippl-Rónai Museum (Rippl-Rónai Múzeum): The Rippl-Rónai Museum is named after József Rippl-Rónai, the famous painter of the city. The building itself is of historical value, and in addition to the permanent exhibitions, there are also many temporary exhibitions presenting the life and work of the artist.

We tried to collect the most special buildings in the downtown of Kaposvár. There are many beautiful streets here, you can believe us. And if you're exhausted from walking downtown, then sit down for lunch in our restaurant, which also has a wonderful exterior and interior design, and you'll be greeted by a huge elephant statue in the foreground. We look forward to seeing you! You can book a table online by clicking HERE!
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