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The best engagement ideas: how to get engaged creatively?

The best engagement ideas: how to get engaged creatively?

The best engagement ideas: how to get engaged creatively?

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There are a thousand and one million ways to ask your loved one the big question: "Will you marry me?" But it doesn't matter at all how you put it. This is a very important moment, a real turning point that cannot be underestimated. It is important that you choose the best engagement ideas that best suit your relationship. We also give you some creative engagement ideas, which of course you can transform and customize!
best engagement ideas

Creative engagement ideas: Asking girls to dinner

If your sweetheart loves her belly, loves to taste special foods, and has every desire to take her out on a dinner date, then there's no choice but to take her! If you ask her out on a dinner date, she won't know anything about it, she'll only get teary-eyed when she sees the "Will you come with me?" inscription on top of the dessert! At the Memoriae Restaurant, our great chefs will not only prepare your favorite dishes for this special occasion, but will also meet your individual needs, regarding the serving and labeling of the dishes, as long as they are notified in advance! In case of an appointment, our waiters will also help you capture the moment!

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Creative engagement ideas: Let the pictures speak for you!

If you feel that you are not a man of words, and anyway we all know that a single picture can tell more than a thousand words, then you should look for the best engagement idea around photo albums! Fill a room with photos of you and your partner! You will be surrounded by the greatest memories of your time together as you ask your partner one of the most important questions of your life. This is a great idea if you have captured many of your shared moments, or if your partner loves scrolling through old pictures on his phone!

Creative engagement ideas: Pop the question!

Tie a velvet ribbon from one end of your home to the other and decorate it with little love notes or maybe photos together. At the end of the ribbon should be the ring and the big question, and of course you too! Bonus points if you play music—including the most unique favourite songs—while doing so.

Creative engagement ideas for puzzle solvers

Does your partner love puzzles? Can't put down the puzzle magazines? Create a unique puzzle for her, the solution of which will be: Will you marry me? When she solves it, kneel down, take out the ring and wait for her answer!

Creative engagement ideas for music lovers

This creative engagement idea might be a bit more complicated to implement, it will require more organization than the ones listed above, but the choice of your heart is worth all the work! It won't be easy to organize the concert of your favourite bands so that the big moment can be on stage, but it's worth a try! If you can't get in touch with the musicians and organizers, you can kneel in the audience with the ring in your hand!

Creative engagement ideas: Relive the first date

Take your partner to the place where you had your first date. Whether it's a restaurant, cafe, park, it doesn't matter! Order the same thing you did on your first date (if you remember it, of course) and so on to make the experience as special as possible. Share what you remember most about your first date and then pop the question.

Creative engagement ideas for travelers

Asking the big question at the foot of the Eiffel Tower is a bit out of date, or rather, not unique. But among the travel proposal ideas, you can find a good number of much more intimate and romantic ones. Walking on a deserted beach in the sand, looking at the glimmer of the setting sun in the foam, is a perfect moment for the big question, and this moment is only yours, it doesn't need to be seen by other tourists, or filmed trampling each other at the foot of the Eiffel Tower. A Vespa tour is also a very creative engagement idea, since you can easily slip the ring box into your partner's helmet by starting from a resting point. There will be no small surprise and joy! If you are a lover of the mountains, we recommend picnic engagement ideas! Hide the ring in the picnic basket or even in a glass of champagne. If you're a little braver, you can even ask the flight crew to ask the big question on board using the loudspeaker!

No matter which creative engagement idea you choose, our restaurant's function rooms are waiting for you, whether it's an engagement party celebrating the engagement, a small family lunch, or even celebrating the wedding itself! We provide not only a venue, but also decoration and the entire menu, including service! 

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